Saturday, October 23, 2010

M.A.G. Challenge by the Page #1

Good morning,

I have met two great friends, Melissa of MoeCreations and Gloria of Girlia Cards.  I recently started skype-ing with them.  First a blog, now skype, wow!  So, last night we decided we wanted to start challenging ourselves.  The rules:  select a cart we all have, blindly select a page, create any project using that page only and it must be completed by Wednesday evening.  Wow, what fun:) 

So, this week challenge #1 is page 92 of the Celebrations Cart.  I knew it would be something birthday, who'd figured:)

So, I found a site called Clean & Simple, they had a sketch that I really liked.  Now I knew what to do.  So, the challenge has officially started.  If you would like to join in with us, stop by our new challenge blog:  M.A.G. Challenge by the Page to link your great creation.  Ok, Melissa ur turn, since Girlia has already done such a fabulous project!  TFL:)


All paper  Best Occasions 
Celebrations cut @ 2"
Cuttlebug folder Traffic Jam
Sentiment  Inkadinkadoo


1 girlia said...

Adrian, this is awesome. I really like the "clean lines" of it. Love the paper, etc.

2 liz at liz's paper loft said...

what a great idea! cute card too!
liz :o)

3 Melissa said...

Love this, you did a great job on this card, the embossing and the colors are great, I need to do one of these clean and simple cards, You go girl!!!

4 jen said...

What a cute card!! Love the colors too!

5 Glenda said...

Very cute! Great embossing!
Congrats on the new challenge blog...I do not have that cartridge. Hope to play soon!!

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