Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry CHRISTmas !!!!!

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! to all my wonderful blogland friends!  I pray that your Christmas is full of cheer, joy, peace and rest! Enjoy your family and friends. Remember the true reason of Christmas is Jesus!  Thanks for stopping by and always leaving such sweet comments!  Love you all! 

Here is my favorite Chrstmas card I made this season, I love KennyK Images!!!!


1 Jovan said...

LOVE IT! This is my kinda of card!

2 girlia said...

Merry CHRISTmas Adrian to you and your Family

3 Amy said...

Cute card, that is one sassy Santa! :)
Merry Christmas!!!!

4 Felicia - Scrapper in the Making said...

Wow, I love this. I'm going to have to get me some his images for sure. Merry Christmas My Friend. Smooches... Felicia

5 Scrappin Sista said...

Merry CHISTmas too you too!! Super cute or should I say HOT card!! lol I bet if santa's wife really looked like her, no kids would get presents because santa would be leaving the north pole!! lol! I have had way too much eggnog! lol!
Beautiful card... enjoy this day!

6 Scrappin Sista said...

would not be leaving the north pole!!

7 Nicole said...

LOVE IT!!! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

8 Amy said...

Great card & image!!! I hope you had a great Christmas! :)Amy

9 Angi Barrs said...

Super fun! Merry Christmas!

10 Lucianna Dilsaver said...

Sexy lady, great card! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas :)

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