Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blog Award

I have been awarded the "Cherry on the Top" award by Karen from Created by Karen!!  Because I have watched others for many months, and my blog is only about two months old, I do not take these awards for granted, but an honor!  So, Karen thanks so much:)
There are some rules to accepting the award..

1. Thank the person who gave it to you...Thank you Karen...I am honored
2.Copy award to your blog....

3. List three things that you love about yourself...ummm...err..
I love that I believe in me...and....I love that I can laugh...and.......I love that I have great people in my life.

4.Post a picture that you love...

This is my nephew and new niece!

5. Pass the award on to five others...gosh, difficult to chose, but here goes;

Please visit these talented'll be glad that you did!!!

Thanks again Karen,  it is appreciated!!


1 Nicole said...

Thanks for the award!!! You're so sweet!

2 Melissa said...

Awwww thank you so much, I really appreciate it more than you know, and I got it on my Birthday, how nice was that. I will post a little later...

Once again Thanks

3 Kelgentry66 said...

Thank you so much adrian.. You are so sweet. I love looking at your blog and seeing what you have made next...

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